Try It – Roller Ski & Hike – Ribbon Creek & Mount Allen

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Due to limited number of roller skis, this is for the competitive team  ages 12+ registered in L2T, T2T, Competitive teams.

If you have siblings/parents/other members in the club that would like to come out as well; parents/coaches are welcome to arrange a group hike on their own.

10am  Meet at Ribbon Creek Hostel, skate roller-ski till noon
12:00  Lunch
1pm    Hike up Mt Allen
330     back in parking lot

 Mandatory: For all rollerskiing events – wear bright clothing & proper fitting helmets.  Need ski boots & poles

 Also suggested: bike gloves (or thin full fingered gloves), good fitting socks that are not cotton,  knee pads and other padding is optional



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West Bragg Trail Head

10 mins west from Bragg Creek Hamlet.

Paddys Flats

15mins from Bragg Creek hamlet, west along Highway 66.
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